Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Update 760+ Miles 5-28-13

Pigpen and Kara are back on the trail as of last Monday and doing well.  As Dan reported in his last update, he had been having shin splint pain and took several days off the trail.  Trail Days in Damascus and Kaity's brother's wedding occurred during this same time so that gave him a few extra days off.  He seems to be doing ok for now with the pain.  He was fortunate to have left Damascus when he did last weekend.  He had intended to be in the hiker parade at Trail Days but a change in plans caused him to leave just before the parade.  As many of you know there was a bad accident during the parade when a driver lost control of his car and hit dozens of hikers injuring 50-60 and a few seriously.  I am pretty sure all the hikers are expected to make a full recovery, but we were happy to know Dan had already left.

During the past week he reached McAfee Knob which is one of the most photographed spots on the A.T.  He also passed by the Keiffer Oak (largest oak on the A.T. in the south at over 18' around and over 300 years old), and the Audie Murphy Monument (the most decorated soldier in WW II - fitting since it was close to Memorial Day ).

He had his first encounter with a bear!  A big one that scrambled up a tree and bear hugged it while he and Kara slipped by.  He also received some great trail magic when a hiker friendly family picked him up as he was walking into a town.  They gave him a lift, fed him, and invited him to spend the night in their home.  These are the experiences that make a thru hike so great!

Also, a big Thanks!  to Jeff and Cheryl Gilbert and Granny Susie for their "mailbox trail magic" which helps sponsor Dan's hike. 

Dan should be passing by the 800 mile point in the next couple of days and hitting the half way mark in about 2 weeks.

Here are some photo's Dan has sent me from the trail this week:

The Captain's Place

Captain's Place Camping Area

Zip Line used to access the Captain's Place


Audie Murphy Monument

Eastern Continental Divide

Kara Bouldering

Keiffer Oak  300 years old

McAfee Knob

Trail goes through beautiful pastures


Kara enjoying a rest with a nice view

Trail Magic Host Home

Bryant Ridge Shelter (20 person)

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures. Keep the updates coming. He is making some awesome memories and great friends along the way. God Bless and safety.
