Saturday, April 27, 2013

Pig Pen Passes 400 Mile Mark with Pops

Quick update on Pig Pen. He sent me several pictures last night from the past week or so. All is good and he has some company right now other than Kara. Mom dropped Pops off at Roan Mountain to start hiking with him on Thursday for about a week. She will pick him up sometime next week in Damascus, VA.

Unaka Mountain

Unaka Mountain

First trail magic beer

Tired Pup 

Barn converted to a shelter past Roan Mountain 

That's the barn from up high 

Hump Mountain 

Kara on top of Hump Mountain 

Jones Falls 

Kara at Laurel Creek Falls 

New trail swag 

Getting ready to go! Kara sure was excited to see her Pops. 

Pop's pack. 

He made it past the 400 mile mark with Pops. They stayed in a cool hostel there.


  1. Daniel, somehow I missed that you were doing this but I definitely just sat here and caught up on your journey! It looks like you are doing well and having an incredible time. I hope you have safe travels the rest of your way towards Maine. Good luck and I look forward to future posts! Whitney McDonald

  2. Hey Dan,
    Met you this morning at Grayson Highlands (May 3). I'll post your photo on my blog at

    You can grab it from there.

    Hope you are well.

